
Home » DLGuard Members List Plugin – Instructions

DLGuard Members List Plugin – Instructions

DLGuard Members List Plugin Installation:

  1. Accessing your Server
    Use either your file manager or an ftp program and open the folder you wish to use to install the member list plugin.
  2. Inserting Shortcut
    Find the folder named “list” and copy it into your website folder by dragging it in or if you are using a file manager then choose to upload the folder.

    1. This is a shortcut to your member list and will be accessible by typing (http://yourwebsite/list)
  3. Uploading Plugin
    Open the admin folder where your DLGuard is installed (http://yourwebsite/dlg/admin) and copy the file named “list.php”into the admin folder for DLGuard.
  4. Logging in
    Log into DLGuards Admin Section and type in, or copy and paste, (http://yourwebsite.com/list)
    (The Plugin requires you to be logged in for security purposes)

DLGuard Members List Plugin Instructions:

  1. Select View Options
    In this step you have three options.

    1. Members – Export List
      • A simple list of only names and emails of all current customers who have purchased a membership.
      • This is useful for making an email list. Please see instructions for any email list service on how to import this data.
    2. Members – All Groups
      • A more complex list of customers who purchased memberships.
      • This data includes name, email, membership group ID, receipt, date of purchase, and if they have cancelled their membership or received a refund.
      • This will have the same customer listed more than once if they have purchased multiple memberships.
    3. Members (select individual memberships)
      • Just like B except the list of customers is only from the single membership group you select. All membership groups you have created will show up in order after selections A and B.
  2. Select Report Options
    1. Hide Refunded/Cancelled
      • This options let’s you view only current paying customers
    2. Download as .CSV spreadsheet
      • This option downloads all the data into a spreadsheet file as a .CSV these can be opened in most spreadsheet programs.
  3. Click the “Get List” button.


This concludes the installation and instructions for the DLGuard Members List Plugin.
-If you haven’t purchased this product yet you can do so by clicking here.
-If you would like to have the program installed for you it’s not to late you can still purchase installation by clicking here.


Please note that in order to install this for you our tech will need to have temporary login credentials for your server and your DLGuard installation so they can check the installation.